Peled Studios מנוהל על ידי יואב פלד, ומספק ללקוחותיו צילום אדריכלות ועיצוב פנים.יואב פלד פועל כצלם אדריכלות ועיצוב פנים, ועבודותיו פורסמו במגזיני עיצוב רבים בישראל ובעולם.
Peled Studios is run by Yoav Peled, and is offering high-end interior design and architecture photography.Yoav Peled works as an architecture and interior design photographer in Israel, and his works are published in Israeli and international design magazines.
Yoav is a B.A. graduate in photography and art from Jerusalem, and provides his clients with high quality photographs which most define their works architect and designer.
In addition to photography architecture and interior design photography Peled Studios also offers personalized websites and digital post production of images.